Welcome to the era that appreciates the joys and impact of secondhand fashion. We, in our not-so subtle attempts to make second hand culture cool again, have realised that all in all, we go through a similar cycle when it comes to thrifting, especially online. Whether it is the ongoing ‘fear of missing out’ (FOMO) of that very cool dress that an online thrift store posted 5 seconds ago which has already been booked or the constant urge to comment Book, b, bb, and bk on every post. We’ve been there, on both sides. With the rise of thrift stores, there are a hundred options for you to choose from but also a thousand more ways to make you want everything!

With great power comes great responsibility, and while running a platform that wants nothing more than the best for this planet and while providing you with sustainable options, we also want to put the concept of mindful consumption out there.

Here is our take on the tips to thrift consciously- tried and tested!

Make a list

Always prepare a list on the basis of what you need. Thrifting with a purpose is the way to go, purchase the items that you require now rather than preparing for events that may not occur. Try not to focus on things that look really great on the hanger but won’t be worn in the practical time. Identify the gaps in your wardrobe!
Stick to a budget – For sure, thrifting is a cheaper alternative. However, the constant cycle of thrifting without keeping a track has turned it into a less conscious alternative that not just affects your wallet but also creates a faster pace of consumption within the thrift culture.

Focus on building a capsule wardrobe

Versatility is the key while you assemble your closet needs. Think beforehand if the items you are about to purchase can be worn in multiple ways and at multiple occasions. More importantly, if they align with your current closet items.

Tailor your thrift finds for maximal usage

Don’t throw away that perfect shirt you just thrifted which unfortunately doesn’t fit you the way you want it to or you’re bored of it after a while. (You can pass it on to somebody or check the store policies if they offer return or exchanges) If this doesn’t work then, go to your nearest tailor, somebody who can fix it as per you or upcycle it yourself and create something entirely new out of it!

Ask Questions

Don’t shy away from asking the questions you have in mind while thrifting. Ask away about the material, measurements, condition, and guidance regarding fit and size. You have the power to be in the know of anything and everything.

Involve your friends in your thrifting experience 

Involve that friend who always has a say for when you should go all in or when to avoid impulses. Send them a picture of the thrifted goodness you have your eyes on and take their help to avoid an impulse purchase – trust us, it always works!

Organise swaps 

Swap your preloved items with your friends, family, and co-workers. There are a huge number of items that we have in our closet and never use. This could be a lovely way to bond and give your clothes a new life they deserve.

Sell / Donate your preloved items 

Passing our preloved favourites is an intricate part of the Indian culture. Sometimes, the gorgeous dress you bought when you were 21 but never got a chance to wear, needs to go back into the cycle. Hand them down to your cousins or siblings, or donate them to someone in need. You can also choose to sell your preloved fashion articles with us (with an option of impending donation to our partner NGO in case of no sale) – find the details here

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